No. |
date |
contents |
723 |
2021/09/01 |
In Loving Memory of Mr. Hisashi Amano |
713-2 |
2020/11/01 |
My footsteps and proposal for the future (Volume 2) by Hisashi Amano | The Chairman of Asuka Industries, inc. |
713 |
2020/11/01 |
My footsteps and proposal for the future (Volume 1) by Hisashi Amano | The Chairman of Asuka Industries, inc. |
678 |
2017/12/01 |
Comparison of year end metals prices 2016-2017, etc |
677 |
2017/11/01 |
The 54th Asuka Seminar Is your molten metal clean really? (Part 2), etc |
676 |
2017/10/01 |
Change of nonferrous metal market during past 10 years, etc |
675 |
2017/09/01 |
Aluminum cast and die cast production improved in June, etc |
674 |
2017/08/01 |
UBC recycling rate comes to 92.4% in FY2016, etc |
672 |
2017/06/01 |
Production of secondary aluminum alloy improves in F 2016, etc |
671 |
2017/05/01 |
Estimated aluminum demand in fiscal 2017 increases 0.7%, etc |
670 |
2017/04/01 |
JARA estimates 1.4 per cent growth in fiscal 2017, etc |
669 |
2017/03/01 |
Demand of aluminum beverage can in 2017, etc |
668 |
2017/02/01 |
[Special contribution] Let us hold a sense of crisis, etc |
667 |
2017/01/01 |
Greetings for 2017, New plant completion of Kaneko Alloy, Ltd., etc |
666 |
2016/12/01 |
Comparison of year end metals prices 2015-2016, etc |
665 |
2016/11/01 |
The 53th Asuka Seminar opens successfully, etc |
664 |
2016/10/01 |
Technical seminar "Auto and aluminum" is held in Tokyo, etc |
663 |
2016/09/01 |
2016 Japan Die Casting Congress & Exposition, etc |
662 |
2016/08/01 |
Aluminum market rebounds at LME, REPORT My impression in the US :Takashi Amano President etc |
661 |
2016/07/01 |
UBC recycling rate declines to 77.1% in F 2015, etc |
660 |
2016/06/01 |
Production of secondary aluminum alloy dwindles in F 2015, etc |
659 |
2016/05/01 |
JARA estimates 3.0% growth in fiscal 2016, Total demand of aluminum products in 2015, etc |
658 |
2016/04/01 |
Surplus production capacity of metals in China, Aluminum market in fiscal 2015, etc |
657 |
2016/03/01 |
Demand of aluminum beverage can in 2016,Diecast decreases and cast increases in 2015, etc |
656 |
2016/02/01 |
[Special contribution]Speciality of Japanese made quality,The 32th New Year Praying Meeting opens, etc |
655 |
2016/01/01 |
Greetings for 2016,Testimonial from OISCA, etc |
654 |
2015/12/01 |
Comparison of year end metals prices 2014-2015, etc |
653 |
2015/11/01 |
The 52th Asuka Seminar opens on a large scale, etc |
652 |
2015/10/01 |
Technical seminar “Auto and aluminum” is held,Thriving aluminum production and its dull market, etc |
651 |
2015/09/01 |
The secondary aluminum alloy production in the first half of 2015 dwindles 7.8%, etc |
650 |
2015/08/01 |
UBC recycling rate comes to 87.4% in FY2014, etc |
649 |
2015/07/01 |
Import of aluminum and silicon metal swells in FY2014, etc |
648 |
2015/06/01 |
Production of secondary aluminum alloy in fiscal 2014,Can to can season has come, etc |
647 |
2015/05/01 |
Estimated aluminum demand in fiscal 2015 increases 1.8%, etc |
646 |
2015/04/01 |
JARA estimates 0.4% growth in fiscal 2015, Diecast production gains in 2014, etc |
645 |
2015/03/01 |
Aluminum stocks at LME warehouses are diminishing, Demand of aluminum beverage can in 2015, etc |
644 |
2015/02/01 |
[Special contribution]Crucial year to be only one, The 31th New Year praying meeting opens, etc |
643 |
2015/01/01 |
Greetings for 2015, Nishio Tea drink is marketed, Market process in 2014, etc |
642 |
2014/12/01 |
Comparison of year end metals prices 2013-2014, Yearend comments, etc |
641 |
2014/11/01 |
Asuka Seminar opens successfully "The role of financial institutions for medium-sized and small businesses", etc |
640 |
2014/10/01 |
Technical seminar “Auto and aluminum” is held, Aluminum cast and diecast production favorable in July, etc |
639 |
2014/09/01 |
Mr. Minoru Kondo 51st Asuka Seminar’s speaker, Aluminum market still strong, etc |
638 |
2014/08/01 |
UBC recycling rate declines in FY 2013, Aluminum price at LME restores $2,000, etc |
637 |
2014/07/01 |
Import of aluminum and silicon metal in FY2013, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand tour, etc |
636 |
2014/06/01 |
Can to can season has come, The 40th JARA general meeting is held in Tokyo, etc |
635 |
2014/05/01 |
Estimated aluminum demand in fiscal 2014 increases 0.5%, Metal Japan is held in Tokyo, etc |
634 |
2014/04/01 |
JARA estimates 1.3% growth in fiscal 2014, Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd. withdrawals from smelting, etc |
633 |
2014/03/01 |
Demand of aluminum beverage can in 2014, Patent registered, etc |
632 |
2014/02/01 |
Special Contribution, The 30th New Year Praying Meeting Opens, etc |
631 |
2014/01/01 |
Greetings for 2014, Asahan aluminum withdraws from Indonesia, etc |
630 |
2013/12/01 |
Comparison of yearend metals prices 2012-2013, Yearend comments, etc |
629 |
2013/11/01 |
The 50th Asuka Seminar 'Basic knowledge of aluminum alloy and K-mold' ,etc |
628 |
2013/10/01 |
Technical seminar 'Auto and aluminum' is held ,etc |
627 |
2013/09/01 |
35% reduction of carbon dioxide exhaustion attains ,etc |
626 |
2013/08/01 |
Bearish aluminum and bullish dollar ,etc |
625 |
2013/07/01 |
UBC recycling rate hits a record high in FY 2012 ,etc |
624 |
2013/06/01 |
The 40th . anniversary of Japan Aluminum Refiners Association ,etc |
623 |
2013/05/01 |
Estimated aluminum demand in fiscal 2013 increases 0.4%,etc |
622 |
2013/04/01 |
JARA estimates 1.4% growth in fiscal 2013,etc |
621 |
2013/03/01 |
Demand of aluminum beverage can in 2013,etc |
620 |
2013/02/01 |
Special contribution, New Year praying meeting opens ,etc |
619 |
2013/01/01 |
Greetings for 2013,Aluminum can for wine receives a favorable,etc |
618 |
2012/12/01 |
Comparison of yearend metals prices 2011-2012, Yearend comments, etc |
617 |
2012/11/01 |
The 49th. Asuka Seminar -The China of today- |
616 |
2012/10/01 |
Furukawa Sky and Sumitomo Light Metal merge,etc |
615 |
2012/09/01 |
Auto production revives in the first half of 2012, Top season of "Can to can" comes, etc |
614 |
2012/08/01 |
New head office and plant open , UBC recycling rate in FY 2011 , etc |
613 |
2012/07/01 |
HKEx's takeover for LME , Import of aluminium and silicon metal in FY 2011 , etc |
612 |
2012/06/01 |
New plant starts formal operation , Is there electriciry or not? , etc |
611 |
2012/05/01 |
2012 Japan Die Casting Congress & Exposition , etc |
610 |
2012/04/01 |
Celebration of the 70th anniversary and the completion of new plant is held , etc |